W;=ïu moúhla jk uõ moúh ,nkak ;rï ldka;djlg jdikdj ,eì,d ;sfhkjd' ta moúhg ksis w.hla msßkuk orejka 4 fofkla .ek .d,a,
noafoa.u me;af;ka wmsg wykak ,enqKd' jhi wjqreÿ 91 la jqKq ;ukaf.a wïudj n,d.kak ´k ksid fï orejka y;rfokdu újdy fj,d keye'
53"58"62 yd 66 hk jhiaj, miqjk fï orejka y;r fokd lshkafka ;ukaf.a wïug Wmia:dk lrkak fkdyels jk neúka újdy Ôúf;ag we;=,a fkdfjkak ;uka ;SrKh l<d lsh,hs'
fï y;rfokdu jhiska jeä jqK;a ;du ldgj;a /lshdjla keye' ta;a Tjqka lsisu wvqmdvqjla ke;sj yeu ÿla l÷,lau ú|f.k ;ukaf.a wïuj wdofrka n,d.kakjd'
;ukaf.a wïuj uy¿ ksjdi j," uyuÕ od,d hk ñksiaiq w;f¾ uõ lsßj, w.h" wdorh f;areï.;a fujka orejka ,nkak ta wïud jdikdjka; fj,d ;sfhkjd'

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