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we÷ñka úydria:dkhlg .syska wfYdaNk úÈyg úydr NQñfha isák whqre úydrdêm;s ysñhka oel je,suv fmd,sishg ÿrl:k weu;=ula ,nd§ ;sfnkjd'

ta wkqjhs fudjqka w;awvx.=jg f.k ;snqfKa' wjqreÿ 15 la jqKq fï isiqúhka fokakd mdi, ksuù Wmldrl mx;s hkjd lsh,d wod, ;reKhka tlal ;%Sfrdao r:hlska fï úydria:dkhg meñK ;sfnkjd'

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nd,jhialdr isiqúhka fofokd ffjoH mÍlaIKhla i|yd je,suv frday,g we;=,;a lr,d'

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