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r;akmqr uy iuka foajd, fmryef¾È l=,mamq jQ we;d l< úkdYh fukak

r;akmqr uy iuka foajd,fha wjika uy fmryf¾ wef;l= l=,mamq ùfuka ;=jd, ,nd frday,a .; lr isá ldka;djla Ôú;laIhg m;aù ;sfnkjd' fuf,i Ôú;laIhg m;aj we;af;a r;akmqr - ksßwe,a, m%foaYfha mÈxÑ 60 yeúßÈ ldka;djla'

weh yDohdndOhla fya;=fjka

wo w¨hu Ôú;laIhg m;aù we;s njhs fmd,Sish ioyka lf<a' tys§ we;s jQ f;rmSfuka ;=jd, ,enQ ;j;a mqoa.,hska 11 fofkl= r;akmqr uy frday,g we;=<;a flreKd'

;=jd, ,enQjka w;r ;j;a ldka;djka 6 fofkl=" msßñ mqoa.,hska 5 fofkl= iy 12 yeúßÈ msßñ <ufhl= o isák njhs jd¾;d jkafka'

we;d l=,mamq jQ wjia:dfõ ùäfhdaj my;ska''

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