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Welcome to 2016 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, Visit us to see latest and hotest gossip in Sri Lanka and around the world. Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, 2015 Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, gossip lanka, gossiplankanews.com, gossip lanka2, gosiplanka, gossiplankanews, gosiplankanews, gossip, lanka, sinhala, srilanka, Sinhala Songs,Free Sinhala Songs,Download sinhala songs,Free Sinhala MP3, Mesothelioma- donate car- Insurance- Medical lawyers - khaleejtimes Neth FM ,Radio,Live Radio,Music,Sri Lanka,News,Songs,Lanka,Broadcast,Entertainment,Dj,Sports,Live,Nationality,FM,Current Affairs,News Papers,Announcing,Singing,Asset Radio,Sri Lanka,Podcasting,Neth,Nethfm Live, Neth FM Sri Lanka,Online,Information,co creation,balumgala,developments,citizen journalism,sanchare,balumgala, Religious, Buddhism ,facebook,google,yahoo, adults Secretary of Defence karunasena hettiarachchi Speaks About Salawa Camp Blast The section of road opposite the Salawa Army camp which was closed following Sunday’s explosion was reopened yesterday, Major General Channa Gunathilake said. He said that all houses damaged by the explosion would be reconstructed within three months and the journalists would given access to the Army camp. Gunathilake said that there were around 450 Army personnel in the camp when the fire erupted. “The risk to life of Army personnel who were in the camp were minimum as they took precautionary measures,”he said. He said that 60 per cent of people who left the area after the incident occurred have already returned to their houses. “The houses of the rest of people would be reconstructed within two months,”he said. Major General Kulathilaka added that the camp would not be shifted to some other location. He added that the camp premises is still unsafe as minor explosions are taking place at intervals.