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,xldjg wdj rEldka;f.a mqxÑ ÿj úkaä wkd.f;a .ek lshk l;dj

m%ùK .dhl hqj<la jqKq rEldka; yd pkao%f,aLd fofokdf.a fogq ÈhKsh" úkaä .=K;s,l fï jk úg Èjhskg meñK isákjd'

oekgu;a ckm%sh .dhsldjla f,i lr<shg weú;a bkak úkaä;a iycfhkau Wreu jQ yඬ;a iu`. .dhsldjla f,i lr<shg msúfikafka ljodoehs oekgu;a fndfyda fokd n,ka bkakjd'

weh ta iïnkaOfhka olaj,d ;sífí fï jf.a woyila''''

úkaä flfyduo@
fyd¢ka bkakjd'

wdof¾g úkaä lsõjdg iïmQ¾K ku wms okafka keyefka@
g%skSgd fgdaksfhda úkaä .=K;s,l'

,xldfõ m%‍úK .dhl hqj<lf.a ÿj ùu ksid álla wdvïnfrkaÆ fkao bkafka@
wfka tfyu keye' ta fokakd .ek f,dl= wdvïnrhla ;sfhkjd' ux ta fokakdf.a orefjla ùu f,dl= Nd.Hhla'

oeka fï weú;a bkafka ksjdvqjo@
Tõ' kqjr wfma fldkaiÜ tlla ;snqKd' b;ska talg;a tlal ;uhs wdfõ'

úkaäf.a .dhkhg;a m%‍;spdr ,efnkjd we;s fkao@
f.dvla wh lshkjd ug ;sfhkafka wïñf.hs ;d;a;sf.hs ñlaia fjdhsia tlla lsh,d' iuyr wh lshkjd ;d;a;s f.a lg yඬ jf.a lsh,;a'

mqxÑhg ysgmq fl,a, oeka f,dl= fl,a,la fj,dfka@
wfmda keye' oeka ug oy wghs ;ju ux mqxÑhs' fldf,aÊ mgka .;a;d ú;rhs'

fudk wxYfhka bÈßhg hkako úkaäf.a n,dfmdfrd;a;=j@

ñhqisla ;uhs oekg;a ux jeäÿr yodrkak f;darf.k bkafka'

ta lshkafka úkaä;a mjqf,a wdfrgu hkjd jf.a@
ux okakE ux leue;s jqK;a ke;;a ta foa fjhs'

ta lsõfõ@
wfma wïñhs ;d;a;shs yß leue;shs tfyu fjkjd kï''

.dhsldjla fjkak úkaäf.a jeä leue;a;la ke;s mdghs @
wfka tfyu keye' leue;s ksidfka ux fldf,aÊ tfl;a ñhqisla f;dar .;af;a'

Th lshkafka we;a;uo@
wfka Tõ' we;a;uhs'

fmdä ldf,a leue;a; ;snqfKa fjk foalg fkfuhso@
biair uf.a leue;a; ;snqfKa fuäisx j,g' ialska flhd¾ me;af;ka' kuq;a oeka bkag%‍iaÜ tlla keye'

wlald kï oeka iEfyk ckm%sh .dhsldjla kx.s ljodo tfyu fjkafka@
tal kï okafka keye' fudlo uf.a lsh,d ;ju tl .S;hlaj;a keye fka

tfykï oeka ;ukaf.au .S;hla lshkak fyd|u ldf,a fkao@
;d;a;s yo,d foklï ;uhs ux n,ka bkafka'

úkaä leue;s fudk wdf¾ .S; j,go@
ux tfyu uql=;a äihsâ lr,d keye' ta .ek tlaiamßukaÜia lr,;a keye' yenehs ux leue;s ä*rkaÜ iaghs,aia isx lrkak'

úkaäf.a isxy, kqyqrehs lsh,d ys;s,d keoao@
fudlo ke;af;a wksjd¾fhkau ys;s,d ;sfhkjd' ux g%‍hs lrkjd bf.k .kak'

wlald jf.a rx.khg;a tl;= fjkak kx.Sg woyila keoao@
ux wleue;s keye' ta;a biairyg fudkjd fjhso lsh,d lshkak neye'

fyg oji .ek ;ju jeäfha ys;kafka keye jf.a@
Tõ' ux b;ska ;ju fi,a,ï jhfifka'' ta ksid ;SrK .kak foaj,a Tlafldau wïñ ;d;a;sg ndrhs'

úkaä jvd leue;s fufy bkako ke;skï úfoia .; fjkako@
fufy bkak'

tfykï fufy iaÒr mÈxÑhg tkak woyila we;s @
wksjdrfhkau' uf.a iagãia bjr jqKdyu fufy tkak ;uhs ys;ka bkafka'

ksjdvqj bjr fjkak <.hs fkao@
Tõ' fï udfia 24 uu hkjd' udi lsysmhlska wdmyq tkjd'

Academic Support and Access Center MGC 243, 202-885-3360 supports the academic development and educational goals of all AU students while also providing support to students with disabilities. We offer workshops on topics of interest to all students such as time management, note taking, critical thinking, memory skills, and test taking. Additional support includes free private and group tutoring in many subjects, supplemental instruction, The Math Lab and The Writing Lab. Counseling Center MGC 214, 202-885-3500 is here to help students make the most of their university experience, both personally and academically. We offer individual and group counseling, urgent care, self-help resources, referrals to private care, as well as programming to help you gain the skills and insight needed to overcome adversity and thrive while you are in college. Contact the Counseling Center to make and appointment in person or by telephone, or visit the Counseling Center page on the AU website for additional information. Center for Diversity & Inclusion MGC 201, 202-885-3651 is dedicated to enhancing LGBTQ, Multicultural, First Generation, and Women's experiences on campus and to advance AU's commitment to respecting & valuing diversity by serving as a resource and liaison to students, staff, and faculty on issues of equity through education, outreach, and advocacy. OASIS: The Office of Advocacy Services for Interpersonal and Sexual Violence 202-885-7070 provides free and confidential advocacy services for anyone in the campus community who experiences sexual assault, dating or domestic violence or stalking. American University expressly prohibits any form of discriminatory harassment including sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The university is and equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that operated in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, personal appearance, gender identity and expression, family responsibilities, political affiliation, source of income, veteran status, an individual's genetic information or any other bases under federal or local laws in its programs and activities. If you experience any of the above, you have the option of filing a report with the AU Department of Public Safety 202-885-2527 or the Office of the Dean of Students 202-885-3300 dos@american.edu. Please keep in mind that all faculty and staff - with exception of counselors in the Counseling Center, victim advocates in the Wellness Center, medical providers in the Student Health Center, and ordained clergy in the Kay Spiritual Life Center - who are aware of or witness this conduct are required to report this information to the university, regardless of the location of the incident. The Writing Center First floor of Bender Library offers free, individual coaching sessions to all AU students. In your 45-minute session, a student writing consultant can help you address your assignments, understand the conventions of academic writing, and learn how to revise and edit your own work. Hours: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday. Call 202-885-2991 to arrange a session. Meanwhile find handouts, information, and a weekly writer's blog at the Writing Center website and on Facebook.