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ishque,s oE;g ;=jlal=j wrka uy le,E ueo Ôúf;a lemlrk fhdjqka úh - ùäfhda
hqoaOh lrkfldg .eyeKq msßñ lsh,d fNaohla kE' ;=jlal=j w;g .;a;u ;ukaf.a m%;sjdÈhdj ìufy<k tl ;uhs ta yefudau lrkafka' b;ska ta
úÈhg ;ukaf.a /lshdj lrkak fjkfldg ;ekla fkd;ekla lsh,d kE yefudagu tlu ;ek" tl lEu tl ld,d bkak fjkjd'
ta úÈhg Ôj;afjk fldf<dïìhdkq .ß,a,d lKavdhïj,g iïnkaO fj,d bkak wh.ek .ek ks¾udKh jqKq jd¾;duh jevigykla úfoia udOH j, wjOdkhg ,lafj,d ;sfhkjd' fj,d wïuf.a yqr;f,ag yeÿKq iuyr .EKq <uhs bkakfldg w;g ;=jlal=j wrka lef,a bkak if;laj ovhï lrf.k ld,d Ôúf;a f.jk wh;a fuhd,d tlal bkakjd'
ta w;f¾ mqxÑ mqxÑ wdor wkaor;a ke;sju fkfjhs' fï Tjqkaf.a Ôúf;a wiSre ;eka tl;=lr,d yeÿKq l;djla'''

Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, Visit to see latest and hotest gossip in Sri Lanka and around the world. Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, 2015 Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, gossip lanka,, gossip lanka2, gosiplanka, gossiplankanews, gosiplankanews, gossip, lanka, sinhala, srilanka, Sinhala Songs,Free Sinhala Songs,Download sinhala songs,Free Sinhala MP3,Mesothelioma- donate car- Insurance- Medical lawyers - khaleejtimes BEIJING—China recorded a pronounced deceleration in growth last year, affirming that a multiyear slowdown is biting the world’s second-largest economy harder and shows little sign of abating. The growth rate, released by the government on Tuesday, moderated to 6.8% for the fourth quarter and 6.9% for 2015. The annual pace was the weakest in a quarter century, and the quarterly level undershot market expectations, posting its lowest reading since the financial crisis and signaling weakening economic momentum. Tuesday’s figures put a grade on a tumultuous year that saw the slowdown’s impact spill over to global markets and batter the government’s reputation for competent economic management. Chinese leaders held an economic policy meeting Monday with senior officials. While state media accounts projected a tone of determined optimism, President Xi Jinping also urged the officials “to stabilize short-term growth.” Premier Li Keqiang talked of “increasing downward pressure” on the economy, complicated by slack global demand. The real economy basically hasn’t picked up very well, said Nomura Group economist Yang Zhao. We’re going to have a choppier sea ahead of us.
fukak ;j;a f.disma'''

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iqmsß mdmkaÿ l%Svl fuiSg isr o~qjï kshu fjhs

mshdf.a frÈ lfâg .syska whs'tia'whs'tia' ;%ia;hskag ueÈj lDDr jo ysxidj,g ,laj WKavfhka Èúhg iuqÿka '''

fldf,dkakdfõ f.j,a iqoao lrkak wfußldkq yuqodfõ ,÷kq;a ths - PdhdrEm

myrfok rgj,a .ek lshk whs tia ixúOdkfha ksfõokh fukak