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fougf.dv§ oeßhlg uj;a ke.Ksh;a wysñl< jhi 15 fldaám;s mq;df.a r:.dfha meálsßh - ùäfhda

ujl iy ÈhKshl Ôú;laIhg m;alrñka fougf.dv m%foaYfha§ ßh wk;=rla isÿ lr m,d.sh r:h meo jQ mdi,a isiqjdf.a wmßlaIdldÍ ßh Odjkh
iïnkaofhka fï jk úg úúO l;d me;sfrñka mj;skjd' Tyqf.a  ujo Bfha ^18& h<s wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka miq rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; flreKd'

fï w;r wk;=ßka ñh .sh fofokdf.a foayhka fï jk úg Tjqkaf.a {d;s ksjil ;ekam;a lr ;sfnkjd'  ßhÿref.a uj lsßfok ujla neúka weh rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; lsÍu iïnkaOj h<s wjOdkh fhduq lrk f,ig ú;a;sfha kS;S{hska l< b,a,Sulg wkqjhs' ish orejdg jrolg wkqn, §fï fpdaokdj ujg t,a, ù we;s w;r  ufyaia;%d;ajrhd ;SrKh lf<a weho ,nk 28 jeksod olajd rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; lsÍughs'

isÿjQ udrl ßh wk;=f¾§ mÈl ldka;dj óg¾ 20la bÈßhgo wef.a ÈhKsh óg¾ 40la bÈßhgo úisù we;s nj;a" wod< ld¾ r:h óg¾ 52la muK bÈßhg f.dia keje;S ;snQ nj;a fougf.dv fmd,sish" fld<U m%Odk ufyia;%d;a wêlrKh fj; Bfha ^18od& okajd ;sfnkjd'

udrl ßh wk;=ßka ñhf.dia ;snqfKa fnd/,a," fíia,hska udj;" wxl 148$à 20 j;a; mÈxÑj isá 47 yeúßÈ ùrisxy wdrÉÑ,df.a wkq,d ^uj& iy 10 yeúßÈ iudê rIañld ^ÈhKsh& hk whhs'

jhi wjqreÿ 15l <uhl= úiska mojk ,o wxl tka'iS'fla'à' 5521 ork ld¾ r:h" bl=;a 16 jeks Èk rd;%s 8'50g muK fougf.dv" fíia,hska mdr" ujqkaÜfïß mÈl udrej u;ska mdr udrefjñka isá ldka;djl iy wef.a ÈhKshf.a wefÛa ymamd hglr urKh isÿlsÍu iïnkaOfhka" fuf;la isÿ l< mÍla‍IKj, m%.;sh oelafjk jd¾;djla fougf.dv fmd,sisfha ia:dkdêm;s m%Odk fmd,sia mÍla‍Il wkqreoaO uyskaoisß uy;d úiska Bfha wêlrKh fj; bÈßm;a lr ;sìKs'

ßh wk;=r isÿ l< ielldr isiqjdg iy wehf.a ujg wem ,nd ÿkfyd;a" úYd, uyck Woaf>daIKhla we;sù uyck iduh lvùula isÿù" m%foaYfha ksixi,;djg ndOdjla úh yels neúka" Tjqka ßudkaâ Ndrhg m;a lrk f,i fmd,sish wêlrKfhka b,a,d isáfhah'

tfukau mshdo wysñj isáh§ ;u uj yd ke.Ksh f,dúka iuq.;a ÿl ordf.k isák ifydaoßh mjikafka fuhg idOdrKhla bIaglrk f,ighs'

isoaêh iïnkaO iïmQ¾K jd¾;dj we;=,;a ùäfhdaj my;ska'''

Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, Visit riviragossip.com to see latest and hotest gossip in Sri Lanka and around the world. Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, 2015 Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, gossip lanka, gossiplankanews.com, gossip lanka2, gosiplanka, gossiplankanews, gosiplankanews, gossip, lanka, sinhala, srilanka, Sinhala Songs,Free Sinhala Songs,Download sinhala songs,Free Sinhala MP3,Mesothelioma- donate car- Insurance- Medical lawyers - khaleejtimes Our food system is in big trouble. It’s in big trouble because the global agritech/agribusiness sector is poisoning it, us and the environment with its pesticides, herbicides, GMOs and various other chemical inputs. The Rockefeller clan exported the petrochemical intensive ‘green revolution’ around the world with the aim of ripping up indigenous agriculture to cement its hegemony over global agriculture and to help the US create food deficit regions and thus use agriculture as a tool of foreign policy. This was only made possible and continues to be made possible because of lavish funds, slick PR, compliant politicians and scientists and the undermining and capture of regulatory and policy decision-making bodies that supposedly serve the public interest. For example, writing in the British newspaper The Guardian earlier this year, Arthur Nelson noted that as many as 31 pesticides with a value running into billions of pounds could have been banned in the EU because of potential health risks, if a blocked EU paper on hormone-mimicking chemicals had been acted upon. The science paper that was seen by The Guardian recommends ways of identifying and categorising the endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that scientists link to a rise in foetal abnormalities, genital mutations, infertility and adverse health effects ranging from cancer to IQ loss. Nelson writes that Commission sources say that the paper was buried by top EU officials under pressure from big chemical firms which use EDCs in toiletries, pesticides, plastics and cosmetics, despite an annual health cost that studies peg at hundreds of millions of euros.