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fm;s iy fldmq Wm;a md,kfhka .e,fjhso@

ixj¾Okh fjñka mj;sk rgj, ldka;djka Wfoid cfv,a kï iuhg ;ekam;a lrkq ,nk ^implants& Wm;a md,k l%‍uh fj<|fmd, ñf,ka wvlg ,nd§ug
fíh¾ iud.u ;SrKh lr ;sfnkjd'  implants ñ, wêl ksid .s,sk fm;s iy Wm;amd,k fldmq ;rï ck;dj w;r m%‍p,s; fkdjqjo ñ, .Kka my< hdu;a iu. ta i|yd keUqre ùu jeä úh yels njhs úpdrlhska fmkajd fokafk'

implants hkq ldka;djkaf.a wf;ys Wv ndyqfõ iug háka ;ekam;a lrk fyda¾fudak wvx.= l=vd lr,a 2la' fï u.ska wjqreÿ 5 lg .eí.ekSu j,lajd wdrlaIdj ,nd fokjd' fuh bj;a l< miq kej; .eí .ekSfï yelshdj ,nd.; yelshs'

fuu Wm;a md,k l+re j, we;s fm%dfciafgfrdka ^Progesterone& fydafudakh iq¿ m%udKfhka YÍrg ldkaÿ ùu u.ska äïn fudapkh je<lajkjd' ta jf.au Yql%dKqj,g .uka lsÍug kqiqÿiq f,ig .eíf., iliaùuo isÿlrkjd'

cfv,a u.ska 99'9] la muK wdrlaIdjla ,nd fokjd' ta jf.au .¾NdIfha iy äïn fldaI j, we;s fjk ms<sld ;;ajhka we;s ùfï wjodku o hï ;rulg md,kh flfrk njhs ffjoHjre mjikafka' wjqreÿ myla i|yd l%shd;aul ùu;a .s,sk fm;s fuka Èkm;d .kakg isÿ fkdùu;a cfv,a j, we;s jdisjkjd'

fï Wm;a md,k l%‍h Ndú; lsÍfï§ Tima ùu wl%uj;a ùu yd kej;Suo isÿ úh yelshs' fï u.ska wdydr reÑh j¾Okh lrk ksid YÍrh ;rndre ùu o isÿ isÿjkak mq¿jka'

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fuh ;ekam;a lsÍu ksid wf;ys lsishï fõokdjla yg .ekakd njg we;s u;h i;Hfhka f;dr njhs mejfikafka'

Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, Visit riviragossip.com to see latest and hotest gossip in Sri Lanka and around the world. Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, 2015 Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, gossip lanka, gossiplankanews.com, gossip lanka2, gosiplanka, gossiplankanews, gosiplankanews, gossip, lanka, sinhala, srilanka, Sinhala Songs,Free Sinhala Songs,Download sinhala songs,Free Sinhala MP3,Mesothelioma- donate car- Insurance- Medical lawyers - khaleejtimes Russia’s parliament is poised to take up a bill next week that LGBT advocates say is the most significant anti-LGBT legislation it has considered since passage of the so-called gay propaganda law, which was adopted in 2013. The bill, introduced in October by two members of the opposition Communist Party, is being described as banning gays and lesbians for coming out. The text as it stands would penalize “the public expression of nontraditional sexual relations, manifested in a public demonstration of personal perverted sexual preferences in public places. This would be punishable by a maximum fine equivalent to around $65 and, if the infraction happened in schools or a cultural institution, detention of up to 15 days. birth control methods in sri lanka Other anti-LGBT laws have been proposed by Russian lawmakers, but this would be the first the parliament will formally take up if it the bill actually gets a first reading in the Duma’s lower house — it’s currently scheduled for Jan. 22. LGBT rights supporters in the country were hoping this would disappear from the agenda, like an earlier proposal that would have stripped gays and lesbians of all parental rights, but they are growing nervous now it has been put on the Dumas official schedule. birth control methods in sri lanka When this draft bill was initiated, it was so incredibly absurd that we were hoping it was going to be one of those initiatives that didn’t get any attention,” Polina Andrianova of the St. Petersburg LGBT rights organization Coming Out told BuzzFeed News in a phone interview. But the fact that it’s scheduled for the first reading is a pretty bad sign.