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f*ianqla oeïu ùäfhdajla ksid .d,af,a mqxÑ fld,af,l=g fkdis;+ fudfyd;l tx.,kaf;ka ,enqKq mqÿu ysf;k ;E.a. - ùäfhda

f*ianqla ;sfhkafka wdof¾ lr,d fld,a,d" tfyu;a ke;a;ï fl,a, nE lSju uefrkak fkfjhs lsh,d iuyre okafka kE' ta ksid fudavlug ñksiaiq yÈiais ;SrK .kakjd' Th w;f¾ f*ianqla ksid Ôúf;a fjkia lr.;a;=" ÈhqKq
lr.;a;= wh ´ks ;rï bkakjd' wms fï lshkak hkafka ta jf.a l;djla' iuyr úg fïl lshjk Thd oekgu;a fï ùäfhda tl n,,d we;s' tafla bkak .d,a, me;af;a mqxÑ fld,af,la f.oßka whska lrmq áka" fnf,lal" msÕka álla tl;= lrf.k v%ï fiÜ tlla yodf.k yß wmQrejg fi,a,ï lrkjd'

myq.sh ldf,a fï ùäfhda tl yefudau w;f¾ ckm%sh jqfKa Tyqf.a ;sfhk yelshdj ksid' wms ú;rla neÆjd lsh,d ys;=jg fï ùäfhda tl f,dafla yeu;eku m%isoaO fj,d ;sfhkjd' okakjo fï ùäfhda tl tx.,kaf;a ix.S; lKavdhula jqkq Vintage Trouble lshk nEkaâ tfla v%ïia jdofhl=;a n,,d ;sfhkjd'

fïl oelal .uka Tyqg ys;s,d ;sfhkafka wfma rfÜ bkak fï mqxÑ fld,a,dj fydhdf.k .syska Tyqg wÆ;ska v%ï fiÜ tlla wrka fokak' fudlo Tyq fï mqxÑ fld,a,f.a yelshdjg jYS jqKq ksid'

fï fld,a,d fjkqfjka Tyq n%s;dkH mjqï 600l uqo,la jeh lrkak;a leu;s fj,d ;sfhkjd' fudlo fï v%ïia jdolh;a fmdä ldf,a f.or fï úÈhgu fnda;,a tl;= lr,d yod.;a; v%ï fiÜ tllska ;uhs biairfj,du v%ï .ykak mqreÿ fj,d ;sfhkafka'

b;ska Tyqf.a rislfhla jqKq  David Tradewell lshk flkd fï mqxÑ fld,a,dj fydhdf.k v%ï fiÜ tl;a wrka ,xldjg weú;a' fï ùäfhdaj biairfj,du wka;¾cd,hg tlalrmq flkdf.ka ;uhs Tyq úia;r fydhdf.k ;sfhkafka'

jkaksmqr ;=Idka wkqIal ÿ,dxck lshk fï mqxÑ fld,a,d .d,af,a bkakjd lsh,d oek.;a;u fld<U thd¾fmdÜ tfla b|ka Tyq jdykhlskau ;uhs weú;a ;sfhkafka' .fï ñksiaiq;a fï msgrglska wdj iqoaoj n,kak thdf.a f.org weú;a'

wkqIalf.a ;d;a;d l=re÷ jHdmdßlfhla úÈhg ;uhs Ôúldj f.kshkafka' Tyqf.a wïud oekg l=fjÜ rfÜ fiajhg .syska wjqreÿ 2la' fï msgráka wdj flkd oelalu f.or wh jf.au wkqIal;a mqÿu fj,d ;sfhkafka lshkafka fudkjo lsh,d ys;d.kak neßj' Tyq;a tlal bx.%Sisfhka yßhg l;dlr.kak neßjqK;a mßj¾;lhdg lsh,d ysf;a ;sín Tlafldu foa wkqIal jf.au Tyqf.a ;d;a;d  David Tradewell lshk flkdg lsh,d ;sfhkjd'

;uka wudrefjka áka" fnf,lal tl;= lr,d yod.;a; v%ï fiÜ tl whska lrmq wkqIal oeka fi,a,ï lrkafka tx.,kaf;a b|ka thdg ,enqKq wÆ;au v%ï fiÜ tllska' Tyq ljodyß fyd| v%ïia jdolfhla fjhs lsh,d ;uhs  David Tradewell jf.au wkqIalf.a msh;a lshkafka'

wfma rfÜ fï jf.a yelshdjka ;sfhk wh ´k;rï ysáh;a Tjqkag Woõ lrkak flfkla bÈßm;a fjkafka l<d;=rlska' ysre f.disma wms;a  ldg;a l,ska fï l;dj Tng lSfõ ta úÈhg yelshdjka ;sfhk wh bkakjdkï Tng;a Woõ lrkak mqÆjka lshkfoa .ek mqxÑ u;lhla ysf;a ;shd.kak lsh,d'

wkqIalg ,enqKq v%ï fiÜ tl jf.au Tyqf.a jdok yelshdj f,daflg wrka .sh ùäfhda my;ska krUkak mq¿jka'

Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, Visit riviragossip.com to see latest and hotest gossip in Sri Lanka and around the world. Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, Rivira Gossip - 2015 Sri Lanka's Number One Gossip Zone, 2015 Election News Updates, Latest Gossip, Latest News, Latest Videos, Chooti malli Podi malli Updates, gossip lanka, gossiplankanews.com, gossip lanka2, gosiplanka, gossiplankanews, gosiplankanews, gossip, lanka, sinhala, srilanka, Sinhala Songs,Free Sinhala Songs,Download sinhala songs,Free Sinhala MP3,Mesothelioma- donate car- Insurance- Medical lawyers - khaleejtimes According to the professor of biomedical ethics at the University of Virginia, healthcare experience provides an advantage for those seeking a career in medical ethics (www.bioethics.virginia.edu). An educational background in law or philosophy can qualify candidates for applied ethics positions, though requirements vary. All clinical healthcare careers require licensure from a state board. Most IEC or IRB members have completed at least a bachelor's degree program. Registered nurses must complete at least a diploma program; however, completion of a nursing bachelor's degree program can increase opportunities for career advancement. Physicians must complete up to eight years of combined undergraduate and medical school, plus another 3-8 years of residency. Medical researchers are generally expected to complete advanced degree programs. Medical schools may have ethics as a concentration or fellowship program. Career and Salary Information The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that registered nurses will see a 19% increase in jobs from 2012-2022, a rate that's five percentage points higher than average for all occupations during that same decade; the median salary for registered nurses was $66,640 in 2014 (www.bls.gov). The agency estimated that physician jobs will increase 18% from 2012-2022. According to the BLS, the median salary for a physician can vary by area of practice; surgeons, obstetricians and gynecologists, and internists earned a mean salary that was greater than $190,530 in 2014, while pediatricians earned a median salary of $163,350. Medical scientist jobs are expected to increase 13% from 2012-2022, and the median salary for this career was $79,930 in 2014, according to the BLS.